Pirates of the Neuse PHC
We are the Pirates of the Neuse Parrot Head Club a dedicated group of phriends connected through the tropical spirit of Jimmy Buffett's music, writings, and dedication to community. Our purpose is to bring together like minded folk to promote phriendships and organize social activities for phun and charity. Together, our keen awareness of community, social, and environmental concerns has driven us to help make our community a better place.
The Pirates of the Neuse, Inc. is a 501C3 Not For Profit Corporation, fully chartered and officially recognized by Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc., the oversight organization for all Parrot Head Clubs around the world.
Founded in 2016, we continue to support our mission of ‘Party with a Purpose”.
We typically meet for our monthly Club Phlockings at various establishments in the New Bern area on the fourth Thursday of the month at The Brown Pelican in New Bern. At these Phlockings, we update the Club on the latest news, from time to time a raffle is conducted to raise money for the Club’s charities, and we HAVE PHUN connecting with current and new members! We also get together for other local fun events. In addition, we raise money through various events and by volunteering our members to other organizations.
Our goal is to raise and donate as much as we can all the time. We have phun and phrolic whenever we can, but with a purpose in mind.
Most importantly, welcome to our little virtual paradise. Our website is a continuously evolving collection of past events and future activities. Designed and maintained by the Board of Directors, we will continue to grow our site with phacts and history of the Club and where we are headed. Please enjoy your visit and come back soon!