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Children's Book Drive

Pirates of the Neuse Parrot Head Club conducted a Children's Book Drive in celebration of the November 2023 Children’s Book Week. New Bern area residents donated over 750 children’s books, chapter books, and books for teens/young adults during the 4-week collection period. An additional 160 new books were purchased with cash donations. The books were given to the Friends of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library (the “Friends”) for use in stocking their Little Free Libraries at Union Point Park, Pleasant Hill Park, at the West New Bern Rec Center’s Kidsville Playground, and at the new new Stanley A. White Recreation Center.
The Parrot Head Club would like to thank all who donated, as well as those people and organizations supporting the drive by providing donation collection points, including the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce, Trent Woods Town Hall, Emerald Golf Club, Mad Hatter Tea House, The Brown Pelican, Backstreet Bakery in Bridgeton, and friends and neighbors in Fairfield Harbour and Taberna. Everyone pitched in to fulfill the purpose of helping to create a community of readers.
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